Wednesday 3 December 2014

Design experimentation and sketches

I decided to use presses, engravings and drawings to experiment with texture and pattern when preparing for both my anthropological image and my mould shoot.

After seeing This image I was inspired to try out pressings and patterns with teeth indentations. I first tried out using clay covered with cling film which I bit into. This gave an abstract look but I felt it lacked a pattern, so I then tried smoothing the clay to the plastic before covering it with cling film and pressing it against my front teeth. This gave an interesting and still slightly abstract design which I really like the look of as I don't thik it is obvious that it is teeth at first.

Bird Footprints

 After looking at african bird symbolism I tried out creating the footprints of birds as I think they are always interesting to look at. Above are eagle footprints and below are Ostrich footprints. I liked how the eagle footprints looked, but feel that it is too obvious that they are bird footprints so wouldn't work for a contemporary design.

 I experimented with collage and liked how these ivy leaves looked on this sketch in this position, so thought I'd try engraving the leaf veins into clay as an idea for my reshoot. I really liked how this looked and used it in my shoot.

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