Monday 8 December 2014

The History of Special Effects Makeup

As film and photography equipment become more advanced, the make up has to follow this and look even more realistic. This is especially important with special effects make up as characters now need realistic looking cuts, bruises, scars, tattoos and body modifications, in addition to this abnormal, animal or alien like features are often applied on characters in sci fi, horror or fantasy images, and these lose all their authenticity when edges are visible and you can see where the skin ends and the prosthetic begins.
Make up techniques and equipment is at its most advanced now, and is growing and improving constantly with different products and techniques being favoured and replaced over time.
Lon Chaney was one of the first actors to successfully create 'special effects' through make up and binding his body in various positions. He would spend long periods of time perfecting his own make up and appearance, getting the exact look he wanted before going onto set, even if it meant he spent hours in uncomfortable positions with heavy padding and items strapped to him.
Movie still scan, (1925), Lon Chaney in The Phantom of the Opera [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 08 December 14].
As chemical and biological knowledge has improved, so has make up and special effects. Now there are many different techniques to make undetectable special effects and prosthetics even in high definition. 
Hani Zahara. (2014). "Planet of the Apes" Prosthetic Makeup Timelapse . [Online Video]. 14 July. Available from: [Accessed: 08 December 2014].

As you can see above, make up and prosthetic application can be really successful and convincing in changing a person's appearance.

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