Tuesday 9 December 2014


ORLAN is a French artist working in LA, New York and Paris. She always writes her name in capitals and has not got a fixed medium for her work.
In the 90's, ORLAN created a series titled "The Reincarnation of Saint-Orlan". This series featured Orlan transforming herself through plastic surgery into the ideal of female beauty by taking elements from beautiful women in art to create one look.
ORLAN, (1990), Septembre 1990 [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.orlan.eu/wp-content/gallery/1990-septembre/septembre-1990-p120.jpg [Accessed 09 December 14].
ORLAN, (1993), 9eme Performance 1993 [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.orlan.eu/wp-content/gallery/9eme-operation-chirurgicale-performance-1993/orlan-op1.jpg [Accessed 09 December 14].
ORLAN, (1991), Opera Surgery-Performance [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.orlan.eu/wp-content/gallery/operation-opera/00130026.jpg [Accessed 09 December 14].
I think it is interesting how Orlan looked at ideas of beauty and beauty ideals, and went through such an extreme to create it. It is a really interesting way of thinking about and expressing art.

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