Sunday 26 October 2014

Bald Caps

Health and Safety
  • Ask model to close eyes when applying bald cap and using spirit gum/spirit gum remover.
  • Be very careful when cutting the bald cap to fit- hold away from skin with fingers but don't pull the bald cap and stretch it out
  • With spirit gum avoid sensitive areas
  • If any irritation occurs remove immediately
  • Use in a ventilated area as spirit gum and spirit gum remover have strong smells
  • When working, if a model decides to shave their head instead of wearing a bald cap, the head has to shaved every day to prevent a 'shadow' from regrowth.
  • Apply all make-up after applying the baldcap
  • Ensure the forehead is completely grease-free before applying bald cap- end on toning (don't apply moisturiser)
  • You can't use hair pins to secure the hair- use lots of gel
  • You can use soap around the hairline to smooth down flyaway hairs
  • If the model has really long hair, talk to the directors and lighting directors about shooting from certain angles to mask any visible hair.
You will need:
  • Spirit gum
  • Spirit gum remover
  • Brown eye pencil
  • Bald cap
  • Towel
  • Water
  • Hair gel
  • Pintail comb
  • Scissors
Start by brushing the hair through away from the head, ensuring it is well brushed and there are no knots. Next, wet the hair completely through and apply lots of gel from root to tip. Wet and add more gel, ensure all hair is completely coated, and is as wet and flat as possible.
Wrap the hair around the head, keeping it flat as possible. If the model has long hair, it may be easier to split it in half down the middle and wrap each half separately. Add gel as you go.
When the hair is all flat to the head, ask the model to do "Bunny ears" and hold the bald cap square at the front of the head. Pull the cap right down, securely onto the head. Ensure the model has their eyes closed.
Using your brown eye pencil, mark where to cut the ears. Remember you can always cut more off. Cut the ears and the front of the bald cap if required, remembering to pull away from the face with your fingers, but not stretching the cap. Roll the front of the cap back, ensure there are no hairs peeping out. if there are, gently tuck them back using the pintail comb. Apply spirit gum to the cap and quickly stick the cap down onto the forehead. Smooth down flat using a damp puff and a rolling motion. Once the front is secured, you can then work around the head. Ensure the model is looking down when you stick the back, this will reduce any baggyness and wrinkles.

For natural skin colours, you must use colour correctors (pink, red, yellow, orange) to counteract the hair colours. Then apply the foundation over this, ensuring you match the foundation to the face and not to the bald cap, then set with powder. For a freckled effect, use supracolour mixes with isopropyl alcohol and flick it on the head, ensuring the model has their eyes closed.
Can paint with supracolours, aquacolours, coloured hair sprays. can add liquid latex etc.
I unfortunately didn't have the chance to practice this in the lesson as my partner had extensions in, and we ran out of bald caps.

 I think bald caps are really interesting and striking tools to use. I think it's really interesting how much they can change the look of the face and add an alien look if it is coloured correctly. The bald cap also opens opportunities for adding liquid latex and wax over the hair.

Contemporary Examples of Bald Caps
unknown, (unknown date), Hair [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 26 October 14].
unknown, (1803), Bald cap, painted with latex and glitter, jewels [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 26 October 14].

Berczel, L, (2013), Gray's Anatomy [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 26 October 14].
Yatkivskaya, E, (2012), Snake I [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 26 October 14].

I really like these contemporary uses of bald caps, and think they all have really great effects. There are more on my pinterest board which can be seen here.

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