Friday 24 October 2014

Texture using Fullers Earth, Liquid Latex and Pasta

Health and Safety
Liquid Latex:
  • Ensure area is ventilated- open lid and air out for a few seconds before using- has a strong ammonia smell
  • Always test model on inside of the wrist for allergy or irritation
  • Do not use on hair
Fuller's Earth:
  • Natural substance, don't have to test for allergies.

Liquid Latex and Pasta
  • Can blend edges of latex with acetone 
  • Colour latex with supracolour or aquacolour
  • Dry using a cool hairdryer
  • Ensure each layer goes clear before adding another- otherwise you can get 'bubbles' of unset liquid latex.

In this lesson I used spaghetti and split peas to create a pyramid effect on the arm. I snapped the spaghetti at different lengths then dipped them in liquid latex before applying to the skin. I then dipped split peas into the liquid latex and applied them above, and used a cool hairdryer to set the latex. I smoothed the whole thing over by applying a coating of liquid latex and setting it. Once this was complete, I used a gold coloured hair spray to colour the area. This made the 'prosthetic' look like a piece of built in jewellery.

I enjoyed playing around with latex and spaghetti, and especially liked the gold hair spray, but it definitely emphasized any bumps and hard edges so I will bear that in mind next time I use liquid latex and I will try and blend them out with acetone.

Fullers Earth
Fullers Earth can be mixed with water to form a paste, then applied to the skin and drawn into for a really interesting effect. This mixture can be set with a warm hair dryer, and then sprayed with hair spray.

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