Wednesday 8 October 2014

Low-Tech body modifications- Lucy and Bart

Lucy and Bart is a collaborative project between Lucy McRae and Bart Hess. They experiment with low tech methods of changing the appearance of the body and face. They do this through experimentation and imagination, and try and document all of their work.
After looking at their work I definitely feel inspired to think outside of the box and experiment with a variety of ideas, documenting all my experiments as even if it doesn't create what I intended, trial and error is an essention learning and design process.
LUCYANDBART. 2014. LUCYANDBART. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 November 2014].
 The images above are from an experiment called "Germination". They used sand bags and grass seed to create a body suit, before leaving it for a few days until it grew. This is such an interesting look, and it uses such low tech, everyday items just used in an imaginative, creative way.

LUCYANDBART. 2014. LUCYANDBART. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 November 2014].
The image above is from a series called "Grow on You" This image features what looks like small pom poms from an art shop, which have just been stuck onto the face. This creates a sort of growth like effect. It reminds me of mould a little. This could be really interesting if it was done with flesh coloured balls, or if it was airbrushed to blend into the skin.

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