Monday 27 October 2014

Practicing Techniques for my Image 1 Design

Before choosing my design for image 1, I decided to practice the wax application, and cutting into it on the back of my hand. I started by smoothing the wax down, before cutting into it with a spatula. Then I set it with liquid latex as I have no sealer at home, before applying foundation over it to blend it in. I think this look worked quite well. The liquid latex was a little difficult as it settles into the cuts and seals them a little, but as sealer is thinner I don't think this should be too much of an issue. The foundation was a little sheer also, so I may want to consider using a high coverage foundation or concealer instead when creating the design. The latex started peeling up as it was on the back of my hand, so this is something I need to consider when thinking about size and placement, as if the placement is near expression lines of some sort it could distort the design.

Practising my Design
After practising on the back of my hand, I had a go at applying the wax in the shape I wanted on my cheekbone.

I found it quite difficult to smooth this out on myself, and the area was a little large so it went onto the under eye skin which wasnt so easy to smooth the wax into, so I will make the shape smaller and more confined to the cheekbone.
 I then cut my design into the wax. I like how this design turned out and feel that it is simple enough to carry out in the time we have, yet effective. I didn't want to create too much and create too busy a look.

Next I covered the area with foundation. Again the foundation I used here wasn't the best, and I found it difficult to seal and colour in the cuts as I couldn't quite see the area on the mirror, but with sealer and a smaller brush and better view I don't think I will have too much of a problem applying this look in the lesson.

For this look I used:
  • Ben Nye nose & scar wax
  • Liquid Latex
  • Illamasqua translucent powder
  • Revlon Photoready Foundation
  • Spatula

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