Sunday 26 October 2014

Contemporary Scarification

Ryan Quelette at Precision Body Arts, (2013), Scarification [ONLINE]. Available at:!scarification/cqo3 [Accessed 26 October 14].
Scarification is a growing form of body modification in the western culture, especially in the gothic subculture. I definitely think that this trend has been influenced by tribal scarification, and a new twist has simply been put on it such as the intricacy of the designs and the way it is applied and healed. I think the effects of this scarification are beautiful and I really like the way the designs look when they are fresh, but I wouldn't personally get one as the aftercare would be difficult and no one can tell how the scar will heal, and I also think this is why scarification like this won't become a norm in our culture, at least any time soon.

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