Saturday 18 October 2014

Batman & Robin- Human Transformation

Batman & Robin (1997)
I chose to look at this film and more specifically the transformation that Dr Pamela Isley (Uma Therman) undertakes when she becomes Poison Ivy. This is quite a minor change in terms of aesthetics, but I really love how she looks when she has the leaf-like pieces around her brows.
Batman & Robin, 1997. [DVD] Schumacher, J, United States: Warner Bros.
 The image above is of Poison Ivy and Mr Freeze. Dr Freeze also goes through quite a transformation in the film when we find out how he became how he is- mainly through going bald and gaining blue, glittery 'skin'. Poison Ivy has her Leafy, flame like pieces around  her eyes and these really fascinate me as I think they are really flattering, and with the rest of the make up they do change the face quite a bit. I chose this image instead of one where she has green leaves because the orangey tones blend in with her skin, making it look like they are actually a part of her, and something that has she has grown herself. I especially like how they are not flat to the face, but are instead coming up and out away from her, this makes it look much more striking and threatening.

Batman & Robin, 1997. [DVD] Schumacher, J, United States: Warner Bros.

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