Sunday 26 October 2014

Image 1 Design Ideas

Design 1

This is my first design for the anthropological low tech prosthetics image. It is quite simple, using wax on the cheekbones to accentuate them and then cutting into it to create the look of scars or impressions on the skin. I was inspired mainly by scars for this design: specifically fresh scars in a more contemporary style. I considered filling the cuts in with red to make it look like the blood of a fresh scar, but instead wanted to leave the cuts flesh toned to make it look like this was always part of the models face.
Unknown, (2013), Scarification [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 26 October 14].

Unknown, (unknown date), Scarification [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 26 October 14].
Design 2
 For my second design I intended to use a bald cap, and then attach string or hair from extensions over the bald cap, before blending it into skin colour.
unknown, (unknown date), Hair [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 26 October 14].
The image above really inspired me for this design. I really like the snake like texture of the hair, but I think that one of the things that makes this image and design work is the lighting and colouring, so the design may not translate too well in a skin colour, as it would probably lose some of its mysterious, snake like charm.

Design 3
 This design features three wax 'horns' on the forehead, and a pattern of scars on the cheeks created using tuplast. for this image I was inspired by various images of subdermal implants, particularly those on the forehead. but I wanted to bring the design further and onto the face by creating the pattern of scars on the cheeks. I chose to do these in a pattern as in tribal cultures the scars are often in geometric patterns.
Miss xRonix, (2013), I won't say anything [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 18 November 14].

unknown, (unknown date), Woman with Horns [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 18 November 14].

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