Wednesday 19 November 2014

Brow Bone- Supraorbital Foramen, (2010), Skull1 [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 19 November 14].
The area I am creating a mould for is the brow bone, or the Supraopbital Foramen. This bone is located along the top of the eye socket, at the bottom of the forehead., (2011), Skull [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 19 November 14].
My drawing of the eye socket area, including the Supraorbital Foramen., (2012), Some of the muscles of the face [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 19 November 14].
From this diagram I can see that the muscles which will affect the brows most are the Orbicularis Oculi- around the eye, the Frontalis- on the forehead and the Procerus- between the brows. It is important to bear this in mind when creating moulds as this is where there will be movement in the face, which is very important to consider when attaching a prosthetic to the face as you don't want the piece to start falling off or coming loose.
My sketch of the browbone area. I found it a little more difficult sketching this from an image of a person than from a skull. I think this may be because I can look at lines and tones on a skull but on a person these tones and lines aren't as apparent.

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