Friday 21 November 2014

Drawing with Kevin Dean- Tones

 First I started by drawing a pepper. I really tried to focus on the shapes and tones, using charcoal to create the drawing. I enjoyed doing this and am happy with the results

 Next I had a quick attempt at drawing half a bulb of garlic. I found it much more difficult to get the shapes and proportions right on this drawing, but I don't think I did too badly when I look at it now. I think I would have got an okay image if I had a little more time to develop the tones.

Next we drew our prosthetic piece which we had cast in the previous lesson onto a face. Above is my attempt. I was drawing the face from a picture I found online so the proportions are a little off but this will get better with practice. I also struggled a little with making the mould look 3D and drawing the pattern on it, but I don't think I did too bad a job for a first attempt.

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