Tuesday 18 November 2014

Miss xRonix

When searching for images for my first mood board, I found an image of a woman with lots of piercings and body modifications, so I thought I'd see if I could find any more information about her.
Miss xRonix, (1811), Portfolio Front Page [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.x-roni-x.com/Index.html [Accessed 18 November 14]. 
Veronica, or Roni is a 29 year old polish transgender piercer living and working in the centre of London. I managed to find her blog and portfolio and have been looking through these, especially the blog, to look at her body midifications. As you can see in the image above, she has subdermal implants in her forehead, as well as piercings on the browbone and at the bridge of her nose. The subdermal implants are what I am focussing on as I think it would be interesting to experiment with this sort of thing with moulds or wax. They create a striking look and really change the appearance of her face, whilst only being small. From the images I have seen, and from a line on her portfolio which reads "her favourite - eyeball tattooing" I think she has had her eyeballs tattooed black. this also creates a very striking look against her blue irises. I don't think I would be able to safely experiment with this although I think it is a really striking and effective form of body modification.
Something else which I think has really changed the appearance of her face is that she has removed her eyebrows (probably shaved them off) and redraws them on in a different shape or position. This is quite a common thing from what I have seen of transgender/androgynous men as men's brows are often thicker and straighter than women's, so they are either plucked or shaved and drawn back on whether fully or partially.
Miss xRonix, (2014), I tried on new eyebrows, just outlines [ONLINE]. Available at: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjwCiyUUG0m5sl8flI7ZJIYG_w-fD7lEW68eWzWL8LBovkLhe47YYzzcG8Ms0g1ZMjhp_f9E3mp7fsfTX9VfloK602r2TtAu7b0bltho5-0JULuB4pNTKJn9dMC-tDPR_HGKyymJSEec9U/s1600/IMAG3369.jpg [Accessed 18 November 14].
In the image above she has experimented with her brows by just doing the outline. I think it is a shame that we cannot see her whole face as it is hard to judge how it changes her appearance but this is an interesting idea for brows which I haven't really seen before.

Miss xRonix, (2013), I won't say anything [ONLINE]. Available at: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhI4zv6WXEE2LzkUpPtKVqtxr0_9u9eZ4e8pUt5TK0gOrrWOuFk95Vxj3qdlcZmSxNeUMqUniUw_ANp3CxKor_T_PFjkOcIgIAkB8D1mqImsh1aRvpsCFF97rGQEqL8XrNSENwkxoFfoeE/s320/IMAG2096.jpg [Accessed 18 November 14].
In this image we can see the full extent of her piercings- large stretched earlobes as well as surface piercings on the cheekbones, stretched nose plugs, lower cheek piercings on either side of her mouth, as well as many lip piercings and microdermals. This look is not for everyone, but there is a growing community of alternative people with body modifications and piercings, with many piercings and tattoos becoming more and more popular and accepted.

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